It costs approximately $2,640 a year to cover the production of There is Hope Radio. The annual costs include $2,088 in airtime, $400 in podcast hosting, and $154 for software/equipment.
We are seeking 11 individuals who
Addiction Recovery and Why is Demonization Ignored?If anyone has been around those with addictions for any length of time at all, they have most likely seen actions/behaviors/characteristics/mindsets that can certainly be open doors to the demonic. Some may have
Opening the Door to the DemonicIn this article we are going to look at various behavior/characteristics/mindsets of someone who has an addiction and how that can open the door for demonic activity in their life. But first I want
In this series we are going to look at the topic of Addiction and Demonization, and if those with addictions can be Demonized. What about Christians? In regard to addiction we are talking about all forms of addiction, included,
We are looking for individuals who live throughout America that have a passion to get the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into every household in America. These individuals may be ones who are active within their
We are looking for Willing IndividualsWe are looking for individuals who live in Arkansas that have a passion to get the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into every household in Arkansas. These individuals may be ones
Why does it seem like Being a Jerk is now acceptable in today’s American Culture? More importantly why is it that it seems that it is now acceptable among Christians? I believe there are multiple reasons why it is
Standing in the Gap is the Intercessory Prayer Ministry of Creating Futures, focused on Fairfield Bay, Arkansas, but not Fairfield Bay alone. We pray for individuals, pray for churches, pray for Fairfield Bay and other communities, plus pray for
Saturate Heber Springs Arkansas with the Gospel of Jesus ChristSaturate: To satisfy fully; Cause something to become thoroughly soaked with liquid so that no more can be absorbed; To load to capacity.
It is time to
Saturate Fairfield Bay Arkansas with the Gospel of Jesus ChristSaturate: To satisfy fully; Cause something to become thoroughly soaked with liquid so that no more can be absorbed; To load to capacity.
It is time to